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Of the many people in San Francisco who choose bicycles either as their preferred mode of transportation or as a means of recreation, some are seriously injured in accidents every year, and you may have been one of the unfortunate ones. Even if you wisely wore a helmet, you were still largely unprotected and thus at a much greater risk of receiving catastrophic injuries in your accident.

You may have received a debilitating injury when a vehicle turned without stopping, forcing a collision. A car or truck may have failed to notice you in your lane and hit your bicycle when switching lanes. Alternatively, debris may have fallen onto the roadway from a truck, making it impossible for you to avoid. However your accident occurred, you might be able to file a personal injury lawsuit against the negligent motorist for causing the injuries you have received as a result.

Whether you received a serious head, spinal cord, back or other injury from your bicycle collision, you may be able to recover damages to compensate you for the losses you incurred. Through a personal injury lawsuit, you may be able to receive money to compensate you for your medical expenses, ongoing care and treatment needs, bicycle replacement and lost income.

At the Law Offices of Casper, Meadows, Schwartz & Cook, our team of attorneys and staff have over 35 years of experience advocating for our clients who have been injured in bicycle and other types of serious accidents. We understand that when you have been seriously injured, you may have difficulty knowing what to do and where to turn. Over the years, we have gained knowledge concerning the specific types of questions many of our clients have. We have put together information regarding bicycle accidents on our website where you may find more answers.

Source: Casper Meadows Schwartz & Cook, “San Francisco Bay Area Bicycle Accident Attorney“, December 12, 2014